U11-U14 internal players will receive a player evaluation in early May from their current coach. This will encompass the past year overall, and will be factored into any player movement that may be beneficial, whether to a higher or lower level team. Coaches will evaluate based on play during games, effort during training, ability compared to peers playing at the same level (both within the team and opposing teams), and other factors. This will present a more fully encompassing picture of the player at their current level, rather than have player placement based on a one or two day tryout, ignoring the larger picture. High school age players do not receive an evaluation, however, internal player rankings are used to identify players who may benefit from a move to a higher or lower level team. High school age players should feel free to talk with their coach about where they fit into the team and overall age group.
During the month of May, players who have been evaluated as possibly benefiting from a move to a higher level team will be asked to train with that team, to see if the level of play is a good fit. Players who are identified as possibly benefiting from a move to a lower level team are not obligated to train with that team, but are welcome to do so. Competitive Age Group Managers will oversee this process for all players in their respective age groups. Most internal players will receive their formal team assignment/offer on May 27th, the first day that formal offers may be made.
We ask that all internal girls and boys plan to attend external player tryouts May 27th through May 30th (depending on program/age group) regardless of the formation status of their team. This is necessary to be able to conduct a fair evaluation of appropriate playing level for external players who wish to join Blast Competitive teams. High school age players should plan to attend all scheduled kickarounds and tryout activities. Please see the
Kickarounds and Tryouts page for up to date schedules.
External players are encouraged to fill out the appropriate BSC External Player Interest Form linked below as early as possible. Those who have expressed interest in playing for BSC by filling out the form prior to May 19th may be asked to train with a current Blast Competitive team prior to external player tryouts. We want to assure that this does not interfere with your current team's activities, and will work with you to find an appropriate time.
External player tryouts will be held Tuesday, May 27th through Friday, May 30th. All external players who wish to try out are required to register online via the red Player Registration button (this registration is in addition to filling out the appropriate External Player Interest Form) and arrive 15 mins prior to the start time. Formed teams will be assigned fields during their time slots, and external players will be assigned to a specific field to tryout on. External players may be moved to different fields throughout the process. Tryout evaluators will be made up of qualified coaches, staff coaches, and technical staff members from within BSC. Coaches and evaluators will look for athleticism, speed, agility and quickness, competitive drive, maturity and leadership, focus and confidence, communication skills, personality, composure, and - of course - overall skill and understanding of the game. All external players should look at the Kickarounds and Tryouts schedule page for up to date information on the dates/times for their activities.
External player tryouts are open to any boy or girl of the right age who wants to play competitive soccer. Historically, players come to BSC from all over the north Denver metro area and beyond. Players, coaches, and evaluators are the only ones permitted on the fields during tryouts. No parents are allowed on the fields during the tryout.
For more information on the program and various other important items, please see the FAQ’s below.